Two nights ago I went to bed at the ridiculously early (relatively speaking) time of 9pm. I was tired. I lay quietly and comfortably, not stressed, not obsessed about trying to get to sleep, just relaxed. Nevertheless, at around 2am I looked at the clock and realized I was almost fully awake. Suffice to say I have some messed up circadian rhythms.
Yes, those who know me would rightly note that my bedtime is irregular, as is my wake time, and that I have to get one or the other on a schedule to correct this problem. But seriously, if I get in bed tired and comfortable at 9pm, isn't it reasonable to assume I would not be awake five hours later?!
Then last night I went to bed before midnight, not particularly early, but not particularly late either, at least for me. Set an alarm for 9am. I easily kept sleeping after turning it off for another hour, and still felt tired when I got out of bed. Thought I was supposed to grow out of this kind of lethargy when I grew out of adolescence. Oh wait, maybe that's it: I'm still a kid. Dang.
Yesterday's workout was slightly slower on the first effort than has been the case as I felt a slight tweak on my left calf. Second effort was on par though. Calf worked itself out by the time I was on the cool down, and while I felt a slight tweak to my left hamstring, it too worked itself out within mere strides. We'll see how it goes the SNOW (wtf?).
Also was accepted to the 3k at the UW Invitational this weekend. Excited to see how much I can improve on my 8:29...
Monday, 1/26-"6 mile workout":
2 mile warmup to Nike
1 mile fast ~5:16
1 mile easy
2 miles fast ~10:22
2 miles easy (cool down home)
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