Friday, January 09, 2009

A solid block of moderate

I'm pretty sure I had a more catchy title for that, but what can you do...
Rolling into January the cycle of my workouts has changed. Rather than a hard, moderate, and hill workout each week with a long run, I'm now doing a hard workout, easy run with pickups, then a slightly easier hard workout, either by volume or intensity, with the rest of the week being easy. No long runs, no hills. Makes for a three day block every week that feels moderate over all. Possible 3k in Seattle on the 17th.
Despite all the terrible weather news coming out of the northwest right now, I've been running in surprisingly moderate weather. Everything is wet, but I've gotten away with not getting rained on for the last four days. Plenty of mud to go around though. Definitely forgot the effect of a hard run on wet ground on the back of my shirts. Gotta remember to make sure they're CLEAN before they go in the dryer (oops...). But beyond that it has felt almost spring-like (maybe other natives would disagree). Temperatures got up into the 50s, and Monday and Tuesday did not have a lot of wind. It really was a throwback to high school, running in the damp green. It was nostalgic.
Monday was supposed to be a 6 mile workout, but I think a typo crept in, and there were only four miles listed. By the time I realized it it was too late to check up on it, so I ran what was written. Ran faster than I thought I would.
Same with Wednesday. That workout didn't feel that bad while I was doing it, but MAN I was suffering that night. Haven't felt that beat up in a while. Today was definitely slow. But I'm perfectly ok with that.
Increasingly I notice that not only have I gotten used to training alone, but I almost prefer it now. True, I would probably be going faster with others pushing me, but by the same token, I am not relying on anyone else to make sure I hit my times. There is no one else to drag me along; I have to find the motivation myself. Of course, that is where it always comes from anyway. I don't know, its hard to articulate, but it feels more fundamental, more authentic of a determination that I'm tending. Hopefully it translates on the track.

Monday, 12/5-"6 mile run" (really 4):
~15 min warmup to Nike
2 miles fast (Nike campus loop, ~ 5 min pace)
1 mile easy
1 mile fast (~5 min pace)
~15 min cool down

Tuesday, 12/6- 57:18 w/ 2x5 min pickups

Wednesday, 12/7- 3x2 mile @ 11 min w/2 min rest between:
~17 min warmup to Nike (SLOW)
Nike campus loop x3 (Just under 2 miles, slick bark chip): 10:38, 10:39, 10:38
~17 min cool down

Thursday, 12/8- 58:42 easy (SLOW to the zoo over Sylvan hill)

1 comment:

Tom Grant said...

Can you post sme photos of the places you run? Were the folks in a previous post taping a pretty place, and you ran through? Do you earn money from racing? Or do you still have hopes of more international racing experiance?

BTW, i am Taylors dad
