Yesterday I ran. For one hour and 16 minutes I ran, up the Sylvan hill and back down again to the zoo, then up the trail and past the zoo I ran. With snow falling hard enough that I had to run looking at the ground just so I could see. I'm sure a few people thought I had actually lost my mind. Actually, I think I did, and I went out looking for it. What normally would take me thirty minutes to do took me a much longer and more tiring forty, and so a run that should have been twelve miles was more like ten. Or even nine. By the time I made it back up the Sylvan hill to go home, my footprints from my trek out were gone. In places mine were the only tracks you could see, and only after I had passed that way. In front of me was all fresh.
And so today, when it barely snowed, what did I do?
I slipped four times just walking to the store with my family, since the snow is now either six inches deep or compacted and slick. So I decided to heed the ridiculous experience of the previous day and the treacherous footing today and didn't run.
What can I say, I don't have YakTrax. Sue me.
Sunday, 12/21- Long run 1:16:27 (Should have been ~12 miles, more like 10)
Monday, 12/22-REST
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