Saturday, October 07, 2006

I keep missing a day or two, thinking I'll just remember what I was going to write, and get to it the next day...clearly my life is not yet in order. Just realized I didn't put up a summary from last week's running...and this week is extremely messed up. But honestly, who is actually reading this because I run?
I'm tired of watching the television and seeing absolutely beautiful, dynamic women making something happen, like being the one to take the necessary steps, with some guy, any guy, good guys and bad guys alike. I feel this doesn't happen. And if it does, I'm waiting for it to happen to me. What I mean by that is I'm waiting for what happens on TV to happen to me exactly, like, not just that its a pretty girl with a crush, or one who is coming on to me instead of me coming on to them, but for it all to be perfect. Cause its the right girl, the right time, there are no qualms, no doubts, it just happens, and everything would be good...
...but this is real life. It doesn't happen that way.
Is that a common theme in life, that it never is quite what fiction tells us it could be? All these mythical moments that we read about in books, find in history, watch on television or in the theater, or in the theatre for that they ever happen in real life? Or do we make it all up and pay good money to indulge in fantasies precisely because they are just that, fantasies? I'm sure its one of the myriad pieces of wisdom that I will not have until it is far too late to use it. Perhaps another theme of life...youth is wasted on the young, and wisdom wasted on the old...

So, the secret to this post is part of it was written yesterday, and the rest written today. I have no idea if the second part is what I had in mind when I wrote the first part. I have also naturally forgotten the rest of what I was going to say.
So I won't say it.
More coming soon.

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