Thursday, September 14, 2006

Intentional crisis

Ok ok wait, so blogger's got this thing that scrolls recently published blogs so that you can sort of randomly tap into them, see what's up...maybe it just cause I don't know these people, but they're SO it trite to hope that just by writing a concieved-on-the-spot defense of myself I somehow transcend that state of utter blah? I write here because, hopefully, occasionally, my thoughts, musings, observations, etc, will be entertaining or interesting to someone, somewhere. Most likely someone I know, because they're the most likely people to read this.
However, if I'm ever boring you with details that don't matter for shit, anectdotes that simply aren't interesting, or observations that are stupid or not entertaining in the slightest, for godsakes let me know. I am NOT doing this to be just another one of the pathetic voices who are vomiting grey matter onto the net (am I? shit...). I'm doing it because what I'm doing with my life at the moment is somewhat unique (except I haven't really written about that yet, fuck...), and I have been told in the past that the mass emails I used to send to family and friends were found entertaining, at least by some. So I figure maybe, just maybe, it might also be the case here.
So, enjoy, read at your leisure, but feel free to keep me in line as well. Cause lets be honest, this is at least partly about consumption by the public...if it were just about me, I'd keep it all in a journal.

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