...fed up and tired and disgusted...or just frustrated with life being so complicated, jobs not paying enough money even if I do get them, dreams being in jeopardy because it takes so much just to live, and why the hell are politics such a fucking joke, i mean is it really possible that we've completely lost sight of what its about? they take taking power so fucking seriously that i wonder if they have any heart or brains or commitment to anything real at all. its depressing when even the guy you maybe sort of believed in turns out to have at least one completely boneheaded idea up his sleeve, boneheaded enough that now you're not sure you want to vote for him. and then you discover that the very process of voting in your new state is a fucking joke, there's no information, anywhere, and what little you do find is paltry and grossly inadequate. what the hell are we voting on? and who the hell for? are they worth our time? no really, do you WANT these people in office? do you believe in them? or are you forced to believe in them and vote for them because they just happen to be the people with the money, power, and influence to put themselves in the spotlight? besides that, who wants to see their dream slowly get plinked to death as they watch their bank account slowly shrink, realizing in the meantime that their new job isn't actually providing the shifts to fill the holes so that enough money is being made to keep from running out of it? not me...
too much to deal with. food is too expensive. hell, living is too expensive. and a bit complicated sometimes, even though most of the time we make it more complicated than it has to be...
So, in other news...wait, is there other news? Oh yeah, RunSport is going out of business. If not by the end of December, then by the end of January. Ironically this means that the last two times I've worked there have been some of the busiest. People come in and tell us how sorry they are that we're on our way out...but as a wise person in the store said, they're not keeping us in business. Its sad, but what's to be done...I think I'll wear the RunSport jersey in races for a while though (I mean who wouldn't? Its an adidas elite jersey...and its badass).
I guess I'm not particularly happy at the moment. Probably because of politics, which more and more strike me as a complete waste of time, and, well, just sad...is this really how America runs itself? And there is, of course, the issue of still not making enough money, even though I have secured the sought-after second job (it being only my first real week notwithstanding).
Oct 30-Nov 5 Summary:
Monday-1hr easy, ~9 miles with the Rice boys
Tuesday- Workout: Long way to Hermann, 5 min of hills, rest 5 min, then 6x hill loop that Adam created: 1:40/1:40/1:44/1:44/1:43/1:38 I have no idea how long it was. Rest 5 min, 5 min of hills, long way back to apt. ~8 miles
Wednesday- 1hr easy. ~9 miles
Thursday- 50 min easy, ~8 miles @night
Friday- 1hr easy, ~9 miles
Saturday- Workout: 2.5 mi warmup to North/South.
3x(start at South and Hazard, run to end medium-fast, then jog to North and run back to North and Hazard fast. Jog around school for recovery):
medium-fast/recovery/fast/long recovery:
Set 1: 3:38/38/3:30/2:42//
Set 2: 3:42/47/3:26/3:18//
Set 3: 3:14/1:14/3:21
The paces ended up being around 5:10/mi for the medium fast and 4:45-4:50/mi for the fast (Adam ran the last fast effort for a full mile to calibrate)
Jog 10 min
5x~100m strides (didn't do #6 because my right hip got tight)
~2 mi cooldown. Solid workout.
~11 miles
Sunday-1:46 easy. ~16 miles
Total: ~70 miles. And I got 57 hours of sleep, though not on as regular a schedule as I would like. Still, a good week, runningwise.
1 comment:
it seems that all over the world are the same problems ... these are moments ago
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